Are Pulse Oximeters Racially Biased?

Maqsuda Kabir
6 min readJul 8, 2021


My Zacurate Pulse Oximeter/ Photo Credit: Maqsuda Kabir

Blog Posts

Covid-19 takes an Unequal Toll

During the pandemic, people of color have been more likely to get Covid-19 and more likely to be hospitalized with it, compared to non-hispanic white people. That’s one reason it’s so urgent to work together to help stop the spread.

Source: Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention

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Shocking News: Racial Bias with Finger Pulse Oximeter used on Dark Skinned Vs. White Patients/ Mistrust with Electronic Medical Tools used on Dark Skinned Patients

My Zacurate Pulse Oximeter/ Photo Credit: Maqsuda Kabir

Hospital study in the U.S. during the pandemic proved shocking news! The New England Journal of Medicine published controversial study results during Covid-19 pandemic. Hospital patient data collected — dark skinned versus white patients using a pulse oximeter. Study shows racial bias issues with use of finger pulse oximeters on darker patients. The result showed a higher margin of error in darker skinned than white patients. Darker patients showed finger oximeter results a few points higher than white patients. But the actual pulse oximeter oxygen result on the darker skinned patient was a few points lower. For example, if you’re dark skinned and the oximeter oxygen level is 93% that means your actual oxygen level is 89%. This means treatment delay for dark skinned patients. Thus inequity of medical care. This ignited discussion about racial inequity in medical equipment development. During pandemic 2020, an increased death rate was seen in darker skinned patients than whites. This is devastating news for those affected and the colored population at large!. Study groups now assume one reason for this racial-bias issue with an oximeter. When pulse oximeters were first designed, not developed with darker skinned patients in mind. The dark skinned populations study results were either ignored or an oversight. There is awareness of unequal medical treatment received by the darker skinned population. Communities of color demand quicker product solutions. A finger pulse oximeter that doesn’t discriminate against skin color. This racial-bias issue of inaccurate results on oximeters definitely hit home for me. I am also at risk for inequity in medical care due to my brown skin color. The medical community and manufacturers are now working hard to find a solution.

My Zacurate Pulse Oximeter/ Photo Credit: Maqsuda Kabir

Hope: Improving Pulse Oximeter Technology for Dark Skinned People

The pulse oximeter called (Nonin Onyx) provides hope for the darker skinned population. The Nonin Onyx Pulse Oximeter provides accurate oxygen levels on darker skinned people. Data on Nonin shows a small amount of bias of oxygen saturation level occurs on darker skin people. Nonin Oximeters are still too expensive for the general public. The average market price for this brand Pulse Oximeter is $186-$2,232. This price is out of reach for most people for home use. There are ongoing attempts by manufacturers to correct this racial bias product issue. I hope an affordable brand of Nonin Onyx Pulse Oximeter for darker people will be available soon.

Should Darker Skinned People stop using Home Pulse Oximeters?

Home Finger Pulse oximeter is still a very helpful early detection medical tool. Per The New York Times Article: “Pulse Oximeters May Be Less Accurate for Black People. Should You Use One?” Doctors are still encouraging home monitoring especially during Covid-19. As a Registered Nurse (RN), I have educated many patients on proper use of a home pulse oximeter. Also being a Lung Transplant Recipient, Zacurate Oximeter has prevented many hospitalizations. This mini oxygen device has been a very reliable home diagnostic tool and a blessing. I still compare my pulse oximeter device with the doctor’s office or clinic ones for accuracy of results. It’s an easy oxygen tool to carry around to check for early warning signs and to get quick medical help. Fortunately, I have not had any inaccurate oxygen result issues due to my brown skin. But I did have problems with slow oxygen readings due to dark color nail polish or cold fingers. I plan to use my Zacurate Pulse Oximeter for many more years to come for early detection with my donor lung health issues.

Final Thoughts

Me Post Lung Transplant/ Photo Credit: Tasnia Kabir

My Zacurate Finger Pulse Oximeter has been a blessing in disguise. I have not experienced false oxygen results as a brown woman of color with chronic lung disease. I always like to compare my Pulse Oximeter results with my Doctor’s office ones for accuracy. I encourage anyone using a home Pulse Oximeter to not only rely on the results on their device screen. But also discuss your symptom changes with your healthcare provider for early diagnosis. All in all, I have been a very satisfied owner of the Zacurate Finger Pulse Oximeter. There is an occasional need for battery change due to frequent use of my oxygen device. I am hopeful that we will soon have an unbiased pulse oximeter. And the new Nonin Pulse Oximeter will show 100% accurate results despite skin color. My Zacurate Oximeter still provides me with a quick and accurate oxygen level and pulse rate. Agree with positive/negative reviews from my fellow Amazon buyers of this Oximeter. Thus far, I have not had too many negative experiences with my Zacurate Finger Pulse Oximeter. This is except for frequent battery changes due to my chronic lung condition. I also never had to troubleshoot with remote tech support in the U.S. for any technical issues with my Oximeter. My Zacurate Pulse Oximeter has kept me independent at home for many years. It also often prevented hospitalization. I am a happy keeper of my Zacurate Pulse Oximeter. My Oximeter is not only a good lung health maintenance tool but also always gives me peace of mind. I definitely recommend it!.

Affiliate Disclaimer

The links in this blog are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to buy, I will earn a small commission. A portion of sales will also be donated to lung transplant related organizations. This commission comes at no extra cost to you. I have many years of experience using this product. I recommend it because it’s reliable, accurate, simple to use and can often save lives. When using products for self-monitoring, always coordinate care with your healthcare provider. Please do not buy this product unless you need it.

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This medical review blog includes (text, personal images, free image, video & articles). This affiliate marketing website is for informational purposes only. This medical device does not replace consulting with your healthcare provider. Contact your healthcare specialist with medical questions, advice, diagnosis and treatment plan. Do not delay seeking medical advice or treatment due to suggestions made on this website. This blog website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

Get your affordable Pulse Oximeter here:

Unboxing & How to use Zacurate 500C Finger Pulse

Oximeter My Zacurate Pulse Oximeter/ Thumbnail/YouTube Video Credit: Maqsuda Kabir

